give thanks

i am thankful for family

it is fun im with my family

i see happy people

i love  my family .

i am thankful for caldo

i feel cool whan i try it

i wonder who inventie

i try caldo

l can eat caldo.

I an thankful for caldo

i know there cool

i`m fortunate because there is shoe

i dream about shoes

i am thank for shoes.

the lottery

I conclude that mr.summers is inchared of the lottery but does not support it.well now mr.summer said sobley guess we better get stared get this over with .

base on the word of the actions of  mr.summer in shirley jackson story the lottery i think he is mad about the lottery.


world peace

i wish for world peace to stop making guns so the there wount be killing and wars.

i wish that ther was no contet so that there wars between conters.

to stop hunger so yhat some kids or people wonut die.

passaged evey one can have enthing no jlessi less hunger no homeless